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Year 6

Residential 2024 Little Canada

SATS Parents Evening Presentation 2024

Thank you to everyone who managed to make it to the meeting, for those who were unable below is the presentation from the parents information evening.

Year 6  Weekly Timetable:

Please see below the Year 6 weekly timetable.  We alternate between week A/B which can be found on the school calendar.

Autumn Term

In the Autumn term we focus on World War One and this topic carries through most of our curriculum areas. In History, we study the timeline of World War One and look at some of the most prominent events and battles. In English we study Michael's Morpurgo's War Horse - the children really enjoy the story and we cover a variety of writing genres through this. During this term we walk to the church around Armistice Day observing a two minute silence around the Burghfield War Memorial. We also have a visit from a WW1 drama workshop which gives the children an insight into what life was like for women in the 1910's.

Spring Term

In the new year we focus on the Ancient Greeks, reading Gods and Warriors: The Outsiders by Michelle Paver. This is an action-packed adventurous text which really challenges the children. In History we study Ancient Greece and learn about the time periods during Ancient Greek civilisation. In Geography, we study the region of Greece surrounding Mount Olympus and learn how mountains are formed and have the opportunity to try some Greek food.

During this term we learn about Evolution and Inheritance in Science and we visit the Natural History Museum in London for a workshop to help us understand this topic further.

Summer Term

In the Summer term we learn about World War Two, studying the novel Goodnight Mr. Tom. The children learn about the main events of World War Two and how this affected different countries throughout Europe.

In June we visit Gloucestershire for our annual residential trip where in addition to water sports and height challenges we also experience camping for a week in the great outdoors.  It is a trip which encourages the children to challenge themselves and try something new. 

Please remember if you have any concerns, you can book an appointment with the class teachers or request a phone call by contacting the school office. 


PE currently takes place on Mondays and Thursdays. Children need PE kit which is suitable for both indoor and outdoor PE in all weathers. PE kits should be in school every day in case of a timetable variation. 

Children should wear suitable footwear for PE.

PE kit should be worn into school on a Wednesday for our mile run.


Homework will be sent home on Friday and is due in on a Wednesday. 

Year 6 in Action

Below you will some of the pictures from our enrichment opportunities and outdoor learning. 

Photos to follow.............

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