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Art at Garland

Statement of Curriculum Intent for Art

Here at Garland Junior School we believe that art should support the whole curriculum and our intent is to:

  1. Provide an amazing vehicle for children to be inquisitive and curious about the world around them.
  2. To provide a springboard for oracy and language acquisition enabling children to talk about what they see or imagine. 
  3. Provide a subject where there is no right or wrong and children can express themselves using a variety of mediums and hence experience a strong sense of self-worth and success.


Here at Garland Junior School the art curriculum has been carefully formulated to ensure that the children get a variety of experinces across each year group and that these build up during their journey through the school so that by the time they finish in Y6 they have covered a wide and diverse spectrum of art and design. From simple sketching to soap carving, from using natural materials found outside to studying the paintings of Seurat and Lowry.

Children are taught Art through a range of creative and practical activities in which we follow the National Curriculum. Lessons are planned and carried out as part of our 2-week time table. However, we expect art to be incorporated in other areas of the curriculum. For instance, chalk and pastel drawing which are done in Y6 to help capture the image of a WW1 battle field to the skeletons which are drawn during science in Y3.

In accordance with the national curriculum each child is given an art book in which goes sketches , paintings , collages and ideas from which paintings or models are then made.

Art work is displayed in class rooms and corridors giving pupils the opportunity to showcase their talents and abilities and to gain a feeling of achievement and pride from their work.


Art is assessed on a continual basis- each lesson is formulated around particular skills or painters and the teacher will monitor and advise verbally how to improve or suggest ideas when pupils are struggling.

Art is a subject where pupils can express themselves and see how different cultures and periods of history have affected artistic styles and methods and children are encouraged to talk about what they see and feel when studying this subject.

National Curriculum for Art

'Determination, Respect, Teamwork'
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