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School Uniform

Why Uniform Matters

School uniform is not just about conformity; it is about creating a school environment that promotes learning, inclusivity, and a sense of belonging. Uniform helps eliminate economic and appearance-based differences among pupils, fostering a community where every child feels confident and included.

At both our Infant and Junior schools, we have maintained a consistent uniform policy, which we believe reflects pride in our federation and in turn, contributes to positive behaviour.

Uniform Requirements

Bottoms: Navy- blue tailored school trousers, tailored shorts, skirts, or pinafore dresses. No leggingsor tracksuit bottoms. If children wear cycling/stretchy shorts under a dress/skirt, these should be white or blue and not visible.

Summer Dresses: Light blue and white gingham dress can be worn during the summer term and first half of the autumn term until October half term.

Tops: Pale blue shirts or polo shirts. Cardigans and jumpers/sweatshirts must have the school logo, available from Oliver Signs.

Shoes: Flat black leather or leather-type shoes. Grey or navy-blue tights, or white, navy-blue, or grey socks.

PE Kit: Navy-blue football shorts, trainers, and a navy tracksuit. PE team/House colour T-shirts. (The first one will be provided by the school in Reception, and for this September Garland Junior children will be provided with one T-shirt in their team colour). PE T-shirts can be bought from Oliver Signs. PE Kits should be brought in every Monday and left at school for the week and taken home to be washed on a Friday.

Additional Guidelines

Jewellery: Only stud earrings are permitted and must be removed or covered for PE. (Please provide your child with tape to do this. Please note - we cannot remove children’s earrings for them). Simple watches are allowed, however, smartwatches are not suitable due to their high value and potential for damage or loss

Hair: Long hair should be tied back daily for health and safety reasons. Hair accessories should be small, simple, and in school colours.

Makeup, Tattoos, Eyelashes and Nails: Makeup, tattoos, nail varnish, and false nails and false eyelashes are not permitted.

Headscarves: If worn for religious reasons, they should be navy blue or white and tucked into shirts or


School Bags: At the Infant School, children should bring school book bags into school each day. Back packs are not allowed, due to the limited space in the cloakrooms. At the Juniors, children may bring in small named backpacks. Pencil cases and stationery should not be brought into either school.

Second-hand Uniform The PTA sells good-quality second-hand uniforms. This is a great way to ensure all children have access to the correct clothing without additional financial pressure. The school office can signpost PTA contacts.

Thank You for Your Support

Your support in maintaining these standards is greatly appreciated. Ensuring that all pupils attend school smartly dressed helps maintain a positive and respectful school environment. If you encounter any difficulties in obtaining uniform items, please contact one of the school offices for assistance. By being clear and consistent with these guidelines, we aim to avoid any deviations from the correct uniform.

Thank you for your co-operation in upholding these standards throughout the school year.

Outdoor Learning

Long-sleeved top, fleece or warm jumper, long trousers (not jeans or leggings), walking boots, sturdy trainers or wellies, waterproof jacket & a change of clothes in case pupils get wet and muddy. Sun hat and sun cream in Summer.

P.E. Kit - should be in school every day.

Navy-blue football shorts, trainers, and a navy tracksuit. PE team/House colour T-shirts. (The first one will be provided by the school in Reception, and for September 2024 Garland Junior children will be provided with one T-shirt in their team colour). PE T-shirts can be bought from Oliver Signs.

PE Kits should be brought in every Monday and left at school for the week and taken home to be washed on a Friday. It should be brought in a suitable P.E. Bag.

Hair must be tied back and earrings should be taped or removed.

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