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Safeguarding Statement

Garland Junior School is committed to ensuring the safety of all pupils. The Senior Leadership Team and Governing Body make it their priority to provide an environment where all pupils feel safe and secure.

As part of our ongoing commitment, the school:

  • Follows rigorous procedures for the safe recruitment of staff.
  • Ensures that all staff receive appropriate and regular safeguarding training.
  • Has a clear and regularly revised safeguarding policy which links to current statutory guidance.
  • Ensures every effort is made to establish effective working relationships with parents.
  • Works closely with partner organisations.
  • Provides a curriculum which equips pupils with the skills they need to stay safe. This is provided through a varied PSHE curriculum and regular e-safety sessions.
  • Discusses safety issues through assembly presentations.
  • Ensures that pupils know who they can go to if they are worried or need advice.​

It is the responsibility of all adults working at the school to protect the pupils and report any concerns to the Designated Safeguarding Officers

The Designated Safeguarding Lead is the Executive Headteacher, Mrs C C Rose, the Deputy Safeguarding Officers are Mrs C Mellett, Ms E Montague and the Safeguarding Governors are Mrs R Sanders - Rose and Mr C Rowlands.

Our Child Protection & Safeguarding policy is available to view on the policies page. A copy is also available from the school office.


'Determination, Respect, Teamwork'
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