Welcome to our year 5 page, we have two classes in our year group, Brunel 5B (Engineer) taught by Ms Shuttleworth and Zephaniah 5Z (Poet), taught by Mrs E Montague (M,Tu) and Mrs N Cole (Weds, Thurs, Fri). In addition to this, Miss Smith and Mr Turner support our learning.
Year 5 Weekly Timetable:
Please see below the Year 5 weekly timetable.
Topics this year:
- History – Victorian Reading; Ancient Egypt; the Mayans.
- Science – Forces; Earth and Space; Properties and changes of materials; Living things and their habitats – life cycles, reproductive systems; Animals including humans – changes.
- DT – bridges, Pop-up Books, Cooking.
In Year 5 we continue with Accelerated Reader, our reading programme, but we also look at how to answer comprehension questions based on a text extract. Please promote a love of reading and read regularly at home. Reading should be recorded in your child's reading journals.
In Year 5, we develop the complexity of the sentences the children write. We continue to add clauses in different parts of the sentences, while encouraging children to select the sentence type carefully for effect. We will introduce new punctuation, including the idea of parentheses, as well as consolidating learning from Year 4.
Our writing is linked to the text we are focused on that term;
Autumn – settings, diaries, formal letters linked to The Journey.
Spring – persuasive writing, stories, newspaper reports and balanced arguments linked to Stormbreaker
Summer – non-chronological reports, stories, travel guides and instructions linked to The Explorer
This year, we are using a new programme for teaching spellings, ‘No Nonsense Spelling’. A progressive scheme with a programme for each year group. Spelling practise at home is a part of all children’s homework and we ask that parents record a comment in the diary each week to let us know that your child has practised. You will also find spelling practise strategies stapled into their diaries for ideas on how to implement this.
Maths is taught everyday. We build on numbers taught in previous years – but extend our place value to the millions. All topics in maths will build on the children’s learning from Year 4. In particular, their fluency in times tables will really benefit them when multiplying and dividing fractions, and converting to percentages. To ensure that this fluency is maintained, we would like the children to continue daily practice of their times tables and related division facts.
PE days are Monday and Wednesday. Each term we will cover two areas of the curriculum, generally one indoor and one outdoor. We will draw expertise from the children who have strengths in these areas outside of the classroom. During the summer, we will be swimming weekly. Please ensure children have their P.E kit in school every day – with appropriate jumper/ jogging bottoms. Children should not be using their school jumper/ cardigan. It is preferable, and we believe important, that children remove earrings for PE, please teach children to remove their own jewellery, or take them out for them on Mondays and Wednesdays. Taping is an alternative, but significantly less safe.
Year 5 in Action
Photos to follow.............
Benjamin Zephaniah
Benjamin Zephaniah is a British Jamaican writer and poet. He has written five novels, including the widely acclaimed Refugee Boy (2001) His first book of childrens poetry was the very successful Talking Turkeys.
Isambard Kingdom Brunel
A British civil and mechanical engineer. Brunel built dockyards, the Great Western Railway (GWR), a series of steamships including the first purpose-built transatlantic steamship, and numerous important bridges and tunnels