Welcome to our Year 3 page. We have two classes in our year group Grey Thompson 3T (Paralympian) and Franklin 3F (Musician). Our Teachers are Miss Gott and Miss Armstrong. In addition to this, Teaching Assistants Miss Nisbett, Miss Koro and Miss Chalasani support our learning. Our timetable is busy and enriching with core subjects and Master Readers all before lunch, after lunch we dive into our foundation subjects, check out our timetable below:
Weekly Timetable
This years Master Reader books
Topics this Year
Autumn Term
- History - Stone age
- Geography – Mapping skills
- Science – Animals including humans, Rocks and Soil
- D.T. - Food
- Art – Sketching
- RE – Hinduism and Christianity
- PSHE – Me and my relationships and valuing differences
- PE – Gymnastics, Tag Rugby, Hockey
- MFL (French) – I am learning French
- Computing – Use of laptops, E-Safety
Spring Term
- History – The Romans
- Geography – Geographical Regions
- Science – Forces and Magnets, Plants
- D.T. – Mechanical Systems
- Art – Mosaics
- RE – Christianity
- PSHE – Keeping safe, rights and respect
- PE – Dance, Football, Netball
- MFL (French) – Ice-Cream
- Computing – Web Searching, E-Saftey
Summer Term
- History - Local study
- Geography – Land use
- Science – Plants, Light and Shadow
- D.T. - Structures
- Art – Dying materials
- RE – Hinduism
- PSHE – Being my best, growing and changing relationships
- PE – Athletics, Tennis
- MFL (French) – Fruit
- Computing – Programming and Sequencing
Other useful information
Our PE days are Tuesday & Thursday. We suggest that the children bring in their PE kits a on a Monday and are left in school for the week, just in case there are any changes. PE kit will be sent home on Friday. Please ensure that all items are clearly named.
Water Bottles:
The children should have a clearly named water bottle in the classroom. This should be a different bottle from their lunch drink and should be WATER only. The bottles should be taken home daily.
Times Tables:
Timestables are essential and we practice daily. The focus to start with is on: x2, x5 and x10, moving on to x3, x4, x6 and x8 when more confident. Please encourage your child to practise these daily including the division facts, building their speed and fluency. You can use their Doodle Maths account, or follow this link Times Tables for more practise.
Outdoor Learning:
Our outdoor learning day is every other Friday. Children should arrive in school in school uniform as usual but with outdoor learning clothes in a bag. This includes bringing long sleeved tops and full-length trousers. They will need to bring a change of clothing including socks, underwear and trainers, to ensure they remain warm during the colder Winter months! Don't forget a hat and sun screen in the hot summer months. Children will change when necessary, depending on the nature of the activity. Not all outdoor activities require a change of clothes. Our dates this year are:
October Dates | November Dates | December Dates |
04/10/24 18/10/24 |
08/11/24 22/11/24 |
06/12/24 20/12/24 |
This term children will be bringing home a reading record to record all the reading they do at home and school. It must be brought into school EVERY DAY. They are expected to read at home 5 times a week. It needs to be for at least 10-15 minutes. Children also really benefit from discussion about the book they are reading. There are some excellent questions in the reading record to get you started.
Year 3 in Action
Photos to follow.............
Tanni Grey-Thompson

One of Britain's greatest Paralympic athletes, over 16 years and five Paralympic Games Tanni won an outstanding 11 gold, 4 silver and a bronze medals.
Aretha Franklin

Aretha Louise Franklin was an American singer, songwriter and pianist. Referred to as the "Queen of Soul" Franklin is one of the world's best-selling music artists.