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Music at Garland

Statement of Curriculum Intent for Music

The Music curriculum at Garland Junior School supports the whole school curriculum rationale. When teaching Music, our intent is to: 

  1. Use Music to provide opportunities for performance and self-expression using a range of instruments and the voice. 

  1. Promote the use of technical vocabulary and musical terms e.g. tempo, dynamics, pitch and rhythm. 

  1. Model using a range of language to evaluate and describe music to develop pupils’ listening and appraisal skills. 

This is facilitated by our Music Teacher who ensures that pupils have access to a broad spectrum of music throughout their learning at Key Stage 2. 

Music Partners

Pupils at Garland Junior School have the opportunity to work with our music partners, Berkshire Music Trust to learn an instrument; currently we have children learning to play  guitar, clarinet, keyboards and brass with Berkshire Music Trust and guitar with Music Guru.

National Curriculum For Music

Music - Hans Christian Anderson
Music can change the World
Music - Louis Armstrong
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