Music at Garland
At Garland Junior School we believe that music is a powerful tool for learning, expression and change. It is a form of communication that entertains, expresses thoughts and feelings, and significantly benefits social, emotional and health development. Its contributions to wider intelligence and achievement are well researched and proven. It is a strongly held belief by staff and children at the school that music education is for all.
Through our music curriculum we aim to:
- Enable every child to become better musicians
- Develop a passion and curiosity for music
- Create units of work that cover the National Curriculum programmes of study.
- Develop pupil knowledge, skills and understanding through sessions that include playing, singing, performing, composing, listening and responding.
- Enrich and support work in other areas of the curriculum through cross curricular teaching.
- Promote our pupils' emotional, social, spiritual and cultural development through music.
We provide opportunities for all children to create, play, perform and enjoy music, to develop the skills, to appreciate a wide variety of musical forms, and to begin to make judgements about the quality of music.
All our pupils will be given opportunities to:
- Develop musically at a pace that is appropriate for them as a learner
- Communicate their ideas and feelings about music through movement, musical vocabulary and the expressive arts
- Listen and respond to a wide range of live and recorded music
- Explore musical ideas through composition
- Learn about the musical elements of pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, texture, timbre and structure
- Play tuned and untuned instruments
- Sing as a school ensemble, in class music lessons and, where relevant, in other curriculum areas
- Perform independently, as a class and in smaller ensembles to a variety of audiences
- Take part in dramatic productions that include music
- Take up a musical instrument
- Participate in music-based clubs and music enrichment groups
Curriculum Planning, Monitoring and Review
The coordination, planning and delivery of the music curriculum from year 3 to year 6 is the responsibility of the music lead. All music planning is linked to each year group's subject themes wherever relevant.
The music lead:
- provides a strategic lead and direction for music
- teaches music in all year groups except in the Autumn term of year 4, where Berkshire Music Trust teach through their In 2 Music brass project.
- uses a clear progression of skills and knowledge to accompany each unit that sets out exactly how the children progress throughout the year and year-on-year.
- creates medium term plans guided by recommendations from the Model Music Curriculum and the latest government advice for music such as the National Plan for Music Education (2022)
- supports colleagues in the planning and delivery of the music curriculum where necessary
- keeps informed about current developments in music and attends regular training provided by Berkshire Music Trust
- discusses progress with the Executive Headteacher/Head of School and evaluates the strengths and weaknesses in music, indicating areas for further improvement
- oversees the provision of peripatetic instrumental teaching
- liaises with the Berkshire Music Trust In 2 Music teacher and all peripatetic teachers at the school
- works with Berkshire Music Trust as lead primary school for music in Berkshire
- runs and coordinates extra-curricular music groups e.g. choir, recorder/ukulele groups
- is responsible for the planning of a weekly music assembly containing singing practise and individual and group live performances
Assessment, in the form of listening, observing and questioning, will be carried out by those teaching and supporting music. In years 3 to 6 assessment criteria documents are used to ensure progression across each phase. These criteria will be used to assess an individual’s progress and provide a basis for their annual report. At the end of each lesson and also each unit of work, the music co-ordinator will gather feedback in order to inform future planning.
The impact of our curriculum is measured through the following methods:
- Performance management of the music lead and other music specialists
- Governor visit days • Annual reporting and tracking of standards across the curriculum
- Formative assessments as a unit progresses
- Photo and short video evidence of progress and practical learning
- Take up of a musical instrument lessons either inside and out of school
- Pupil engagement within class music lessons and music assembly
Music Elements Progression
Music Long Term Planning
Music in Action
Music Partners
Pupils at Garland Junior School have the opportunity to work with our music partners, Berkshire Music Trust to learn an instrument; currently we have children learning to play guitar, clarinet, keyboards and brass with Berkshire Music Trust and guitar with Music Guru.
National Curriculum For Music