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Computing at Garland

The Computing Curriculum Rationale 

The computing curriculum at Garland Junior school supports the whole school curriculum rationale. Computing is broken into the three sections: computer science, digital literacy and information technology with each being as vital as each other to create a well-rounded curriculum. 

  • Digital literacy addresses on the use of technology in an ever-increasing technological world. This predominantly focuses on E-Safety and supports children making safe decisions when online as well as recognising how easily technology seeps into their lives. Not only are we teaching users to utilise technology safely but also to consider the impact it has on their self-worth. 

  • Comparatively, computer science utilises the PRIMM method: predict, run, investigate, modify and make. This method not only encourages children to be curious about how and why programmes work but also encourage them to be creative. Furthermore, this method will enable children to be confident that they can understand and communicate in the very specific language of computer science. 

  • Finally, information technology allows children to operate systems and programmes. In Garland, we focus on those that we expect children to access in the greater world once they leave school, ensuring they are confident and efficient users. 

A non-negotiable throughout the computing curriculum is the use of language.  The children are given the correct and technical language and teachers are expected to utilise and model this throughout their teaching.  Using the language of computing enables children to not be more confident users but it gives them the keys to thriving in our technological world. 

It is our hope that by the end of their time at Garland, not only are our children confident and safe users of technology, they are inspired by what they could achieve in the world of STEM. 

Here is what some of our children say:

"I love learning about e-safety; we're making posters about how to keep safe when we use the internet which is great fun. My top tip would be don't share your passwords with anyone." Year 4 Pupil

"I just enjoy computing so much! Scratch is the most fun because you get to do coding. Also, I like helping others in the class when they're stuck." Jack  Year 6

"I find computing really good and I've learnt a lot. We work together and on our own. I like using the iPads the most." Year 6 Pupil

"The e-safety pantomime that came to school was fantastic! I still remember the songs and what to do to stay safe online. Also, my favourite computing lessons are Scratch because I like being creative and making my own world by learning how to code." Skylar Year 5

"When I used Scratch the first time, I was surprised I could make the character move on its own. It was brilliant!" Tegan Year 5

"We always learn about e-safety and we know what to do to stay safe online. My top tip would be if you're worried about something you see online, close the lid or screen and take the iPad or the laptop to the teacher and tell them straight away." Alice Year 5

National Curriculum for Computing

Computing Long Term Overview

Community ● Curiosity ● Creativity ● Challenge
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