At Garland, we pride ourselves on talking about mental health and the work we do with the children to reduce the stigma surrounding this topic. We have secured funding to take part in a project called Stormbreak. Stormbreak is a registered charity who aim to improve children’s mental health through movement, equipping them with sustainable, transferable skills and coping strategies to thrive during the complex demands of growth into adult life. The programme has developed a series of ‘stormbreaks’ which are physical activities and discussions focussing on a key area of mental health. Many of the stormbreaks are freely available for you to access via the website The Stormbreak exercise can explore resilience, self-care, relationships, self-worth, hope and optimism or a combination of these ideas. Their founder Martin Yeller believes........
"When the storm rages we teach children to find shelter and create light, calm and change through movement".
A frightening statistic shows that 8% of 5-10 year olds and nearly 12% of 11-15 year olds have a diagnosed mental health disorder.
World Book Day 02 March 2023 Below are examples of some World Book Day books that focus on Stormbreaks five areas of resilience, self-care, relationships, self-worth, hope and optimism. These are a great way to get involved at home. The full list can be found at the foot of this page.